Don Dunstan.
Don Dunstan speaks on The Labor Party.
17 July 2002
Interview for Making Multicultural Australia, 1993.
mov (Quicktime);
18 secs
South Australian Premier, 1967-68 and 1970-79
The Labor Party like any other large Party in this country has got its conservatives. But Gough (Whitlam) and Al (Grassby) effectively led the charge and the others were forced to follow. And I think that they quickly came to see that there were votes in it.
So they followed. There was a lot of resistance about matters of race, particularly of colour of the skin. And from time to time, there was suspicion about people from the ethnic minority communities who felt they were not dinky di Aussies. But it was generally not expressed very much. The prejudices were there. It was obvious enough. But it became quickly very unfashionable to make discriminatory remarks on the basis of race.
Interview for Making Multicultural Australia, 1993.
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